We have stayed true to our philosophy of blend rather than build in all our efforts at The Urban Village Farms. We have ensured our homes use sustainable materials that not only blend in with the surrounding but are also relevant to the environment in which the home is built. The Urban Village Farms does not look to change the neighborhood essence but rather enhance communities by improving underutilized areas that can be reconfigured to support a healthy environment
While talking about architecture that guides what we build, there is more than enough space to customize your dream home, uniquely yours, from material palettes and add-ons to unique layouts you can choose your signature style, working with our architects, builders and designer.
Locally sourced materials ensure a smaller carbon footprint as materials do not need to be sourced and shipped from distant locations.
Rubble Stone Masonry has been used to reduce waste, to utilize existing materials and to allow groundwater to seep back into the soil. We do not use concretized floors do not allow groundwater reserves to be replenished by rain.
Natural and reclaimed materials: Materials such as stone, wood windows and Shahbad tile not only create a charming aesthetic effect but also ensure that you do not need to maintain your house’s temperature artificially. The natural breathable materials retain heat during winters and ensure coolness during summers.
Blend and Build: Nature friendly materials, have been thoughtfully put together to create sustainable and beautiful structures, that sit in harmony with their surroundings.